Whenever I hear people say that they can’t cook, the first thing I suggest to them is that if you want to be able to cook…..then you must cook.That’s how you learn.You try, and you have failures and successes, but gradually you gain the skills.
I am taking my own advice when it come to plants and gardening.
If I want to have those skills, then I must try until I get it right. For many years, I did not have any plants.
I always killed them. So I got discouraged. Gave up. But when I visit friends who have beautiful house plants and gardens, I come home feeling totally inspired.Yesterday, I bought 2 houseplants while I was at IKEA shopping. I bought this ‘Money Tree’ plant because I loved the shape of the leaves and it’s pretty green colour. Did you know that according to Feng Shui principles, ‘money tree’ plants are supposed to help you in the area of wealth? I did not. I found that out after I googled the plant when I got home. So glad I picked one up. I also thought we could have some fun with the kids. {You know…you want that? Go get the money from the money tree honey.}
I also bought the plant on the right {picture below}for it’s tropical grass look. My mission is to incoroporate more house plants into our decor. The first step would be….. keeping them alive. So I am going to try with these two. Actually, I should say 3 plants…because I also picked up the little succulent plant a few weeks ago from Safeway. I figured it was a safe bet because if you forget to water them…they still live.
I also picked up this watering can for $2.99 at IKEA. I love it’s modern shape.
Plants from IKEA come with instructions about the plant care right on the label on the pot.
That was a major plus for me in buying these two plants.
I will spare you the details of the amount of thistle I pulled up from our perennial beds on the weekend.
Oh, how I have to grow my skills in gardening.
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Green thumbs are cultivated…and you are off to a great start…I am enjoying your blog.
I am OK with plants, I'd love to have some in my apartment. Unfortunately the cat loves chewing on them, digging in the pots, etc. I'll have to wait until I have a yard!
Never a bad idea to have a money tree in the house! xx
When I lived in AZ I had the most gorgeous plants without effort…all that sunshine. Now that I live in CO I have a black thumb. I kill everything. I have two plants that I have kept alive in 7 years and they are both ivy types. Good luck with yours!