1. Best Childhood Memories: My favorite memories of Christmas as I look back is how our family always spent the holidays with our grandparents and extended family. My paternal grandparents hosted dinner for their 3 sons and their families and I have many fond memories of these dinners….the smell of the turkey, my grandmother’s mashed carrots, the sounds of my Grandfather carving the turkey with an electric knife and the shouts of “Merry Christmas!” that rang through the house as each family arrived and the stomping of snow off of boots. And after our Christmas dinner with my paternal grandparents, my parents would pack us up for an hour long drive to visit our maternal grandparents where we would spend the night and I would share a bed with my cousin Kelly. My maternal grandparents had 6 children….3 married and with families of their own……to pack into their house over the holidays which meant lots of noisy commotion and laughter. Warm memories and happy times. {as a side note: Don’t you LOVE my dad’s shirt (he is the man on the right)…..it is so vintage 1970’s}.

6. Christmas Pet Peeve: Those who brag about how much they spend/buy for Christmas….as if that has anything to do with the Christmas spirit. We keep Christmas simple in this house: 1 gift from Santa and a stocking. 7. Our Church Service: Is usually the 4pm service. However, in the last few years we have not attended. I would love to attend Midnight Mass now that my family is a little older….if I could manage to stay up that late!8. My Favorite Christmas CD: I enjoy the classics at Christmas…Bing Crosby is a must. The last few years I have been buying the Starbucks Christmas CD and we so LOVE the music on these cds. For instance, the first song on this year’s CD is a duet with Willie Nelson and Norah Jones singing “Baby, it’s Cold Outside”. A fun combination, don’t you think?
9. Real or Fake: Although we did REAL for many years, we have now switched to fake. I do like the fact that there are no sticky needles tracked all over the house with a fake tree. But I still LOVE a fresh tree.
10. I spend Christmas Eve: with my family. We enjoy staying home, having hors ‘deuves for dinner, sipping eggnog and putting on our Christmas jammies early. I will usually read a Christmas story or two with the kids and then we leave out cookies and milk for Santa.After everyone has gone to bed….I turn out all the lights except for the Christmas tree lights and have a cup of hot tea and remember beloved family members that have passed on…..and then my thoughts turn to Baby Jesus.
This post was inspired by the lovely & talented Sarah over at Clover Lane.
This post was inspirational, lovely & talented Miss Angie…I like sitting back on Christmas Eve to reflect as well.
Very nice Angie. And I also loved your fathers shirt 🙂