Since all my regular readers know how I love organizing projects, I thought I would share my top 10 organizing posts and tips for 2012. All of these projects and/or tips will help anyone who is looking to become a more organized home manager. And when things are more organized, life is less stressful…and THAT is always a good thing!
I know that we don’t all have the time or desire to dumpster dive for coupons like we see on TV, so in this post I shared my top tips for how I make our grocery budget go far.
I think every family should have one of these. And even if you keep original documents in a safety deposit box, it is nice to have copies at home in case they are needed.
3. 12 Easy Organizing Projects For January.
This is a roundup of all the little organizing projects that can be done around the house in a day!
This is a roundup of all the little organizing projects that can be done around the house in a day!
Camping &camping recipes are a hot topic here at Echoes of Laughter. The camping recipes are some of the most viewed posts ever! Last summer, I did a special week of recipes for camping that were all meals/desserts made in tin foil packets…and they were SUPER popular with readers!
This is such a great project for using under-utilized space in the kitchen.
This post created quite a lot of BUZZ in the comments section of my blog…and they were so fun to read! I think this post was an “A-HA” moment for a lot of people.
In this post, I shared my easy steps to meal planning. I find that when meals are not planned, things tend to fall apart around here.
This post is all about showing you how to prepare lunches that are fresh, healthy & economical for your family. A little bit of prep time on Sunday can go a long way to making the whole week go much easier!

Here is my take on making back-to-school time a little less hectic by having some very helpful strategies in place.

9. Tips on Feeding Kids After School.
My kids always arrive home from school super hungry, so here I offer tips on how and what I feed my kids after school.
If you travel with pre-schoolers and elementary age children, you will want to read this post on how to avoid the tired, sore ‘Mom Shoulder’.
Which post is your favourite?
Have any of these posts inspired you to change something in your home?
You can also check out my pinboards on Pinterest:
Organized Mudrooms
Organized Kitchens
Organized Bathrooms
Organized Home
Organizing Ideas To Love
Share the Love!
I love all of these posts and plan and using the cork board ideas for the kids and meal planning! I love an organized woman! Thanks for all the help!
Lots of great ideas — my girls are going on a one week camping trip for Spring break so I forwarded your post on the camping meals and tips!
I'm bookmarking this to look at everything more closely later!!! So many awesome, helpful looking posts!
Such great ideas! One of my resolutions is to be more organized and I need a lot of help! Thanks for all the great tips!
Happy New Year!
Danielle xo
I love them all! I am following your blog now, because I found myself pinning a lot of things, to find they all came from your blog! I'm very excited…
Peace! ~ Kim
Great organization posts – school lunches was my fav but loved them all.
Great ideas. I especially like the lunch ideas!
I just finished reading "Revolutionize Your Laundry Routine," and just had to chuckle over several parts of it. My kiddos started doing their own laundry as young teens, but I had to intervene early on. They would both wait until they had nothing left to wear (usually on the same day) and then argue over who was going to do their laundry first. I had to put a schedule into play, assigning each their specific day, and if they missed their time, they had to wait until the next week or do it another day as long as it didn't interfere with my laundry time.
The other thing that brought back memories was the old wringer machine. We lived in Louisiana when I was young, and my mom and grandmother did laundry together (we lived next door) in the "wash house." Before either one would go into said "wash house," my grandfather would have to go in, making lots of noise and check all the nooks and crannies for anything slithery — yeah, great place to live! I remember this big metal tub that was large enough to hold towels and sheets in some concoction called "Blueing." It actually turned the water a dark blue but made all the stains go away. I would sometimes get to turn the crank on the wringer for little things like undies and socks. Yep, I'll take my front loader any day!