I have been playing around in our kitchen…looking at our space and trying to puzzle how we can get more use out of our present counter space.
At issue is our old microwave….. which is on it’s last legs.
It currently sits in this little nook by the pantry.
It was my husband’s suggestion to replace it with an over the oven model.
It would free up the counter space here.
I don`t know why we didn`t think of this before!
Here is our present hot beverege set up….in a teeny, tiny space of counter by the fridge.
The only problem is that this space often becomes the ‘drop off’ space for my husband’s wallet, sunglasses and blackberry.
It would be nice to make this area strictly his ‘drop zone’ if that is the area he insists on using.
And if the new microwave was located about the stove….
The area freed up by the moved microwave could become the new coffee/tea/hot chocolate area.
There would even be room for the mug tree and our new milk frother.
I played around a bit, and re-styled things with a silver tray holding everything, while re-locating the coffee and tea pods in the drawer below.
Which look do you like?
The one with the coffee pod carousel, or with the silver tray?
Now I am on the search for the right size of microwave to fit above the stove.
It’s funny how sometimes that little extra space you are looking for is often staring you straight in the face if you just allow yourself to think of the possibilities and make small changes!
I have begun spring cleaning this past week.
Every day I am trying to pay extra attention to one small area….wiping baseboards and washing walls and tackling those tiny bits of clutter that have tended to loiter a bit after winter.
I have 2 bags of clothes in the back of my car to go to Goodwill tomorrow.
It feels so good!
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I like it better with the silver tray,..
You go, girl!! Love the silver tray look, it just feels more pulled together.
Our drop zones seem to be scattered all over my kitchen — keep trying to consolidate, but I'm not getting much cooperation. 🙂 Wish me luck!
xo Heidi
I am doing the same thing here and there: Yesterday I put up the hot chocolate bar as the temp hit 90. ): It's a little cooler today, but not by much, so I guess winter is over…I also organized the gift wrap station (2 months after Christmas!) and re-arranged the pantry. It felt good to get it all cleaned and organized. Er have a "drop zone" too – the kitchen bar. I put a tray there to catch all his things, incl. mail. Amazing how it fills up so fast!
silver tray 🙂
The dreaded drop zone! I keep putting pretty pottery bowls in the drop zones to catch hubby's "stuff", but oddly enough when I do that it moves to another spot! Love your blog, we were actually able to move "home" to Nova Scotia 2 year ago, from Ottawa. Saw that it is where you are from 🙂
I like a microwave over the stove better, too, Angie! In our old house I had one sitting on the counter on an angle in the corner near the stove. It took up so much counter space. Here in the new place we got one for over the stove. Much better!
Smart to take into consideration where your hubby routinely drops his stuff. Mine has his spot, too. I added a little silver dish for his change {which I then transfer to a little bank when it gets too full}. We also have our phone holder in this spot for charging our cells. It is a narrow section of countertop away from the main counters, so it works out well.
I like both ways you have the drink bar set up; I think the tray gives it a little more organized look and adds a little pretty. The question is, will it be a pain not having the pod carousel on the counter? If we find things inconvenient I think we tend not to use them.
Wow! It's amazing what a simple silver tray can do! It has pulled everything together and makes the area look like it was styled for a magazine.
…searches house frantically for simple silver tray…
Angie, great work. I'm encouraging my sister to switch out her microwave for on over the stove one. Ours is in a cabinet so we have plenty of counter space. We have the same milk frother as you! I like the spoons out and with the hot beverages, I might hunt around for a cute crock to put mine in.
Love, love, love the silver tray.
Love, love, love the silver tray.
I agree, silver tray. Can't wait to see the microwave when finished.
Great job.
I thought that my husband was the only one with a "drop space".
Of the two options, I like the silver tray best, but personally, the area to the immediate right of my stove is probably my most-used multi-purpose space (peeling, cutting, pancake batter rests there, etc.). I'd be tempted to leave it clear, or have just the coffee pot tucked in the corner with the other items in a drawer below or cupboard above.
Hi Angie,
I like the silver tray look too. It looks more organized and finished. What a great/simple idea to move the microwave. It's amazing what a little bit of space can do. (It's the little things that make our days : )
I'm with you on the spring cleaning. I started too! Last weekend I filled three bags of clothes for good will. Two from me and one from my son's room. It felt great! I'm roaming the house looking for more stuff to get rid of! ha,ha…
Have a great weekend, Angie!
Danielle xo
Yep… silver tray! Isn't it crazy how freeing up a few feet of counter space makes such a difference?
I like the silver tray, it pulls everything together! We re-did our kitchen a year ago and moved the microwave above the stove and we've loved it, plus having the exra counterspace is great.
I love your Blue Italian mugs! I have some of the matching Spode plates. You keep inspiring me with all your great ideas! Thank you- Julie
Silver tray. Someone else mentioned space for chopping etc. The tray makes it easy to just pick up one thing and temporarily free up space if needed.
We have our microwave above our stove (it has a built in hood fan) and it is Awesome, I totally recommend it! 🙂 Cath
Home is Where my Heart is
how cute i luff it with the tray
I have the same Tassimo hot beverage maker you have, and had the spinning disc tower as well.
I had the two crammed on the countertop between the stove and the refrigerator, along with a paper towel holder, daily vitamins so I don't forget to take them and a tin with all my cooking utensils. Needless to say, it was very cramped!
I freed up a LOT of space when I purchased a t-disc drawer on which you can put the actual Tassimo beverage maker. It eliminated the tower entirely (which I now have in my pantry to store extra t-discs). I think it is a possible solution for your space too!
I bought mine at a Bed Bath and Beyond store. I couldn't find a link for purchase for you but here's a photo from google:
I googled Tassimo disc holder.
Hope this helps!