About a week and a half ago, I was thrilled to be contacted by the web editor of Style At Home Magazine, Elaine Song, asking if I would like to contribute to an upcoming web article on Halloween Tricks & Treats. One of my submissions appeared on their website last Thursday.
I was so, so happy about this little feather in my cap!
Please go here to see the article.
I want to let everyone know that my blogging schedule for October got sidetracked for other commitments. My parents visited for about 10 days at Thanksgiving and I wanted to spend EVERY. POSSIBLE. MINUTE. with them.
And also,I have been training for a new part time job that allows to me to set my own hours AND work from home.
However, the training for this new job was two weeks of full-time hours followed by another two weeks of nesting time.
So that, my friends, is where I have been.
When I am not working…I am spending my time with my family….taking the kids to their activities, making meals, keeping up with laundry, etc.
Family always come first!
But I am excited to let you know that I have been working on a
series which will be all about organizing and sharing ideas for Christmas.
Some of you may remember that I shared 16 projects for Christmas last year which included crafts, baking, etc.
I am hoping to do the same this year….to inspire and share with all of you.
And I will be back to visiting your beautiful blogs and seeing what you have been up to very shortly!
Fingers crossed!!
Share the Love!
Well, how cool is that??? Congratulations! Looking forward to all of your Christmas inspiration and hope you are doing well.
Jenn xo
Hi Angie!
Style at Home is a purchase for me every month!! #1 I have been reading it for two many years to count…out loud! Good for you, Angie!
Can't wait to hear more about your Christmas Inspirations. I have already started too… It is my most favorite time of the year!
Have a great week!
All the Best,
Congratulations, Angie! That's wonderful! Wow, you have been busy. I'll look forward to that series again. I just picked up my first Christmas decor magazine this morning!
Congrats on your feature! That is so awesome!! =)
Congratulations on your feature!
Hi Angie,
Congratulations on your article!
How very exciting!!! I am going to pick up a copy of Style at Home tomorrow so I can spread the word. Also, congrats on your new job. Wow, you have been a busy girl ; )
Can't wait to see all you Christmas ideas too!
So exciting!! Congrats! Can't wait until the Project Christmas series begins!
Oooh some many exciting things for you, congrats on the job and the article ♥ I love christmas..can't wait for your projects
so..not some!
Wow! Good for you! Style at Home is one of my faves.
Sounds like you have been busy, and were lucky to have a family visit to boot!
I can't wait to see your Christmas projects.
Congrats on your feature! How exciting!