We are so lucky to have my parents visit us over the Thanksgiving holidays. They are the only company we receive on a regular basis from the Maritimes. I would be so lonely without their visits. We have so much fun while they are here. My mom is the ultimate in “Grammies”. While she is here…she always has a ‘project’ of some kind planned for the kids…whether it be making cupcakes or pancakes, or taking the dogs for a walk, or walking to Chapters with the kids….browsing at books and getting a hot chocolate before the walk home.

My Dad keeps us busy as well. He is the ‘Grandfather’ of grandfathers. However, his pursuits are a little different….he takes on the homework questions, plays card, and goes for walks with the grandchildren. He loves to tease us. The kids also know that an endless supply of Grammie’s homemade pancakes and bacon follow Grampie wherever he goes. Usually this breakfast gets served up at around 8 am….and little people know to be at the table when Grampie sits down.
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