One of my pet peeves about shopping at Frenchy’s were the shoppers who would arrive at the cash counter and ask for 50% off their puchase because there was a small tear or a missing button on the clothing item in question. I used to stand and silently huff to myself….”oh people, please, it’s Frenchy’s for godsake…put it back in the bin if you can’t buy it as is for $1.25!!!) Oh, how I hated being in line behind these people…how dare they keep us all waiting while trying to carve more pennies off the already penny price.
Where I live, there is no such thing as Frenchy’s….but I have filled many of my city friends full of stories of Frenchy’s lore…..oh the deals…oh the bargains…oh the thrill of the hunt. The closest thing we have to Frenchy’s in this city is Goodwill or Value Village. My personal favorite is the Goodwill store….it provides hours of cheap entertainment….combing over other’s people’s junk.
I have found many treasures to bring home to be whipped up into shape with a good washing, some spray paint and a new purpose. I love the household items and I have found many to bring home and repurpose in some way.
I have been coveting white dishes for a long time…..so today I decided to pick up a luncheon set along with some other vases for decorating. I was at the cash counter paying when suddenly I hear myself say, ” Can you knock a dollar off that platter…it has a chip in it?”. And surprisingly, a dollar was knocked off just like that. However, I realized immediately that with that one question I had become a CHEAP cheap person. Not just content with the already cheap prices…but wanting the cheap prices to be cheaper.
Maybe I should stay out of Goodwill for awhile…shop at regular stores …that will whip the cheap cheapness right out of me.
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Love the tray and vases Ang!! The white dishes are beautiful too! I went yesterday and scored a few finds…not the same without you though! Thanks for sharing!!
This was a hilarious entry. I always knew being a CHEAP cheap person was in the cards for we Pineo women 🙂
Yeah, I have some good Frenchy tales…like the time I got Laura Ashley bumper pads for my daughter's nursery, or how I got a Woolrich coat (with tags) when I was a teenager and in my preppy phase…Yes, Frenchy's is indeed a maritime tradition!!
That was a fun read. I wish we had a Goodwill. I am not even that near a Value Village!
Haha I knew you would figure it out, picture or no picture 🙂 We DEF. have a tubing date! We should make a day of it. A day with a picnic! I don't currently have a digital camera, but I'll find some pics to put up.
About the banner, you want to be able to have your own banner/image at the top of your blog you mean? I will look into it.