I don’t know where the month of June has gone….My blogging lately has gone to the dogs.The beginning of June was busy with the International Children’s Festival. We had wonderful weather… and I had the opportunity to go with each of the kids’ classes as a parent volunteer. Each class at Father Jan attends the Festival on two separate days since the school is a venue for performances, the classes are entitled to free tickets for various events which is a nice perk.
Tyler’s class attended Aladdin, which was the main stage performance this year. His class also had a free day, where we went to the park to have some fun with the various booths. I was assigned a group of 3 little boys, being a parent of a boy myself. We visited the jumpy thing, then the boys had their faces painted, then they got an air-brushed tatto, caught up with a clown for a ballon animal and visited a few other booths for prizes. Hunter’s class attended the Aladdin performance as well as this incredible workshop with the Mayhem Poets. A group of 3 young college students from New Jersey have put together this amazing workshop of poetry “slam”style, except they have incorporated the poetry of the likes of William Shakespeare, Maya Angelou, Elizabeth Barret Browning, to name but a few. The presentation was fantastic-the kids were interested and participative because of the style-fun, upbeat, catchy, and yet hip, all at the same time. I thought this was an amazing performance for a group of 10 and 11 year old boys and girls who are just on the edge of “too cool” to be at the “children’s festival”. This was my favorite performance this year.
Tyler’s class attended Aladdin, which was the main stage performance this year. His class also had a free day, where we went to the park to have some fun with the various booths. I was assigned a group of 3 little boys, being a parent of a boy myself. We visited the jumpy thing, then the boys had their faces painted, then they got an air-brushed tatto, caught up with a clown for a ballon animal and visited a few other booths for prizes. Hunter’s class attended the Aladdin performance as well as this incredible workshop with the Mayhem Poets. A group of 3 young college students from New Jersey have put together this amazing workshop of poetry “slam”style, except they have incorporated the poetry of the likes of William Shakespeare, Maya Angelou, Elizabeth Barret Browning, to name but a few. The presentation was fantastic-the kids were interested and participative because of the style-fun, upbeat, catchy, and yet hip, all at the same time. I thought this was an amazing performance for a group of 10 and 11 year old boys and girls who are just on the edge of “too cool” to be at the “children’s festival”. This was my favorite performance this year.
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looking for you everyday….No new entries 🙁